Thursday, April 14, 2011

week 7 tut.

development on concept:

From my folie the concept was the "deconstruction of the natural and urban environment" although at the time I thought I understood the site after more research in to the site I have found this topic way too board to achieve any real influence on my design in its current state. So after talking with Yvonne, the topic was then brought up about instead of looking at it in the liners approach what about with the idea of Morphogenesis.

From this idea of Morphogenesis with the idea of self assembly, and form this then i looked at the individual aspects and how they function together to create the urban and natural environment

then in the next step by isolating these aspects it then allows me to reconstruct the environment in a deconstructed was the allows the building to function yet highlights the individual element by putting them in a different arrangement then what people are us to, (in some ways a abstract reconstruction).

Idea for programs:

after the initial research into the site and finding what the site need i have found with the surrounding urban and natural environment that the program i have chosen is a commercial/ mall/ retail,
but then after thinking for a while I come across the idea of cross Programming with the building having more than one function.

then I looked at and educator (in respect to the building showing and teaching people how to use, incorporate and how Biomimicry function in a real life circumstance in respect to the environment of Brisbane with the site constraints.

Then of course there was commercial (retail) the reason i have chosen this is because not only does it activate the site but it also works on the premise that most if not everyone has been to a mall and seen how it function, now they can compare this to how Biomimicry has been introduce (used) to create the same space yet with all its benefits. Also commercial does also poses a challenge and the environment is ever changing whit people and the retailer within the shop

Then the other program that i come across that the site would benefited from would be recreational and with all these people an activity to do to reflex and interact with the wider community of the site.

inspiration for programs:

How would nature cater for the programs;

INspirational biomimicry aspects:

structure and catering for people seating, getting more from less material.

tropical climate of brisbane and with the programs i whish to incorporate have to consider ways of making the space comfortable?

This i just found really interesting in the idea of no HEAT BEAT OR TREAT to create glass that is in many ways unbreakable.

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